Author Archives: Carolyn

Deception Through Statistics “Statins”

What the hell is going on are we are all being deceived, it really looks like it. No one is allowed to do any independent testing it should raise major concerns.

Wanted volunteers for Free Group Trinfinity 8 remote treatment to promote healthy hair in Women

I am looking for volunteers for a trial I am conducting with my Trinfinity 8 The volunteers will receive a remote treatment twice a week for 6 months in exchange I will be looking for feedback from the group. It works at trying to thicken your hair as well as growing hair back after hair loss for whatever the reason including chemo.

Why 6 months well hair loss doesn’t happen fast, our strands grow in cycles, which means it can take up to 3 months for hair to fall out after a trigger has caused it. It could also take up to 3 months for significant new growth to be noticed 6 months gives sufficient time for change to be noticed.

What could be causing hair loss:-

1. Hormonal imbalance

2. Stress

3. Iron deficiency/anemia

4. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

5. Vitamin b12 deficiency

6. Dramatic weight loss

7. Age

The treatment whilst focusing primarily on hair growth, will also have an element that tries to address some of the possible causes (apart from weight loss)

Volunteers will need to supply a recent photo – full body plus if possible a photo of the hair issue, plus their full name including middle name, email address and phone number. They will also need to sign a simple disclaimer.

Multiple Sclerosis forums

I need to stop reading and reacting to MS forums. I’ve had MS since 1998 but only started really feeling the effects after I had a Swine Flu vaccination in 2008, the mercury in the vaccine I believe triggered an MS attack, leaving my legs usable in the end but in pain. For the last 4 years I have been on a massive health journey researching and trialing on myself natural treatments. Today for the first time I have got absolutely no pain in my right leg for the first time in 11+ years, soon my left leg will be sorted as well. Stop thinking that MS is incurable that’s rubbish it is totally curable. Stop encouraging the placebo effect if you think your getting worse you will only get worse. Start your own journey for health.

I no longer acknowledge that I have MS as I am changing my gene expression with Trinfinity 8 and soon the last of my symptoms will be gone.

Now it’s interesting when I walk as one leg is so much stronger than the other it’s making me wobbly I have to learn to adjust.

Do you think the glass is half full or half empty? It’s full if you just look again.

What is Energy Healing?

My definition of energy healing is a method to teach your body how to heal itself, I am able to provide your body with the necessary information to do the healing for itself.

When we receive diagnoses from medical professionals, we are often so overwhelmed that we give up authority over our own health and well being. But the truth is, we have more control over our health and life than we have been led to believe, and that belief is at the core of our body’s capacity to heal itself.

Bio Energy

BioEnergy opens a persons Bio field (Auro, prana etc..), then with the Bio Field open information/energy can either be put in or taken out.

I have seen some amazing results with Bio Energy healing.


This device will try to balance a persons body to move back to the best place that it can be. I am 100% confident a client will receive many health improvements with this system, it is a blessing to all those who use it. T8 works equally well in person or with distance healing. This is a great tool for rejuvenation. Disclaimer:- “Trinfinity8 is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical and/or emotional symptoms or medical conditions.”

Who needs energy healing?

Everybody will receive benefits from the healing process even if its just a boost to your normal energy levels or :- better sleep , more mental clarity, better relaxation , less wrinkles. With energy healing I can often reverse some of the ageing processes, reverse graying hair, make you look years younger get rid of brown spots, help with eyesight, hearing and many, many more things just ask. Prices shown below for in person and distance healing sessions:-

Serious conditions:-

More often than not the issue you come with will see an dramatic improvement but it depends on the condition. If for example you have a condition like MS, Parkinson’s , Dementia or other condition that may have taken 10 or more years to form, it can’t be healed overnight it will take time. It takes a full 7 years for all the cells in your body to be replaced naturally (see video), change takes time and effort.

Energy Healing goes far beyond what a Conventional Doctor is normally able to offer.

My healing may change or even reverse your gene expression but not necessarily overnight. As mentioned earlier it’s about teaching your body how to heal itself and you have to help in the process. I don’t expect it to take the full 7 years to reverse my MS, I noticed differences in 3 months enough to make me change my lifestyle and diet then greater changes in 1 year. I have minor issues still to resolve but I am 500% more active and mobile than I was 3 years ago and my brain fog has completely gone.

A vaccine in 2008 nearly left me in a wheelchair and I would be in one now if I hadn’t started this journey following my own health path. I’m now 100% confident that I will be healed completely from MS. My gene expression has already started to change.

If you are serious about healing, getting your mobility back and becoming healthy once more you WILL need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you have been diagnosed with an incurable condition this is a good place to go to get help. It will change your life, I’ve seen it happen especially with young children it has dramatic effects especially on Autism. If you are open to healing you will receive healing. This will be a long journey, going into this treatment requires a commitment to healing.

Cancers and more recent illnesses take less time to treat, but it depends on the issue the treatment may need to be more intensive and more regular. For a serious issue I will do treatments on 3/4 days consecutively followed by a 7-10 days gap then another 3/4 days the number of days will be based on discussions with the client on the results of what they encounter or feel.

Please feel free to contact me for a consultation.

Bio Energy

Lots of stuff has changed since I started doing affirmations, it probably started earlier in the year when I read the work of Louise Hay. It took some time to really get into affirmations but once I did things moved really fast. I am 100% convinced now that MS is curable, in fact there is no disease that is incurable. It’s criminal for doctors to be telling their patients that they have an incurable disease.

Surely if nothing else Doctors should be aware of the placebo effect, if you believe your condition is incurable then it will become incurable. You can read everyday of people who have recovered from an supposedly incurable cancer or other horrible conditions. If you believe you aren’t going to get better you will never get better it can be that simple, you’ll be focused on not getting better so the universe will answer you by not letting you get better. The thing is to always stays positive and have faith in yourself. Just believe you will be healed and you will be healed……keep the faith.

With my affirmations all confirming my good health I was taken down a completely different path. I am now trained to do bio energy treatments. I am practicing on my horses, who seem totally bemused but not worried at all about me waving my arms about opening up the bio field. That’s yet to yield results but I’m not daunted.

I’ve also been led to another most serious device other people have had amazing results with this system, but early days for me as I’ve only just completed my training. This is really new age technology making use of many of the things that modern day humans have not remembered from our predecessors. I have to add the disclaimer here it is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any physical and/or emotional symptoms or medical conditions.

I’ve just got my new business cards drawn up all ready as I will be starting to help other people with their health journeys.

All that being said I expect to see some fantastic results.

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Heavy Metal Detox

A few weeks ago I gave myself a challenge. I have been taking high dose vitamin D3 for a few years now off and on. It has really worked wonders on my health and fitness, but I seemed to have reached a level and no longer progressing at the end of last year an old ankle injury started to play up. This is the ankle where I had chipped a bone in my twenties. It ended up being extremely painful and I was struggling. I went for an MRI scan and it as diagnosed as Achilles Tendinosis not pleasant. Typical I was sent to a physio who tried to re-balance my feet by orthotics. Well needless to say I did my own research and discovered the reason was because with my high dose D3 I was not balancing this with the right amount of Magnesium. I had been taking Magnesium L-Threonate (Neuro-Mag Life Extension) one tablet morning and night for a couple of years now. Magnesium and this one in particular is essential for over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body from cardiovascular and bone health support, to energy metabolism, mood, and most especially cognitive function. It’s the sort of magnesium that can pass the blood brain barrier.

This type of magnesium was obviously not enough do I upped to taking Magnesium Citrate as well but no matter what dose I took I had no reaction. If you take too much magnesium you should be spending a lot of time on the toilet and it would be very unpleasant but no matter how much I took it had no dramatic effects. Clearly there was something wrong. Even Milk of Magnesia had no effect. Clearly there was something off with my metabolising magnesium.

Thanks to the wonders of the internet I discovered that if on mega doses on D3 if Magnesium doesn’t work and you are probably suffering heavy metal toxicity. I looked up the testing of heavy metal toxicity 2 of the symptoms are tingling in your hands and feet, chills and weakness. Well I no longer have chills thanks to Vitamin D3 but still have tingling in my hands and feet and weakness. Looking at the cost of getting tested it’s extortionate, I looked at what to take again it’s extortionate so what to do? Also testing is complicated your body tries to protect itself and hides away toxic substances like heavy metals in your body tissues, so blood, urine and stool tests are often inaccurate. I decided I would use Zeolite in powder form and make my own tablets to take as otherwise it’s like eating soil. I am using the animal grade it’s been used on animals for years and centuries ago the exact same would have been used by native tribes see the brand I use is for animal feed so after all I am an animal why shouldn’t I use this kind. I also added EDTA Disodium Powder and Organic Chlorella Powder and to create fast transit Organic Triphala Powder.

Well after just a week it was like a vail had lifted my mood changed dramatically, my skin improved. If I hear music in a passing car I want to dance (that’s never been me). I started to feel really happy with life and myself all my negativity disappeared. When I went for my Cryostimulation session the difference was amazing too it took half the time to move the areas being treated down to the required temperature, it moved from 8 minutes to 4 minutes. The therapist Joelle was so impressed with the changes witnessed in me she decided to go on a heavy metal detox herself. I feel I look years younger, I hope that’s true. I was so much looser in my body when I went for my usual sports massage, much less intense. In yoga I felt in much more control of my balance. I am continuing my detox to complete a month, without testing I won’t be able to completely tell if I’m completely free of mercury but if I am Magnesium should work for me and the weakness in my legs will shortly go, if no noticeable difference after the detox I will start the detox again in a cycle until I feel free of the last of my MS symptoms.

After yet more research I found Advanced TRS a more bioavailable kind of Zeolite if you look at results from the facebook groups on Advanced TRS you’ll find the amazing results being achieved with this product on autistic children. Now that’s frightening why are young children contaminated by heavy metals or other toxins that Zeolite removes.

God help us as a society.

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Ever wondered about the mass Deteriorating Health epidemic?

Modern day farming and mass production of food leaves all of us extremely vulnerable. The unnatural diet we feed to animals in mass production is too fatten them up for consumption. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to realise that if we eat the meat produces from that animal we will likewise get fat and its not a healthy fat. It has the wrong balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fats.

GMO is that unhealthy? Personally I would say yes but the jury’s out we are messing with nature and that’s been proved time and time again to be dangerous. Look at the pollution in the waters around us the chemicals we are putting down our drains? Look at the floride being added to water its poison so why is it in our water and our  toothpaste’s. Look at Aluminium in deodorants why when the autopsies of Alzheimers patients are shown to have high amount of Aluminium in their brains. We cook with this metal we absorb it through our skin.

Are we really doomed…..We are controlled by consumerism and big players who are more interested in the bottom line than in the health of their consumers.


The HPV vaccine on trial: seeking justice for a generation betrayed

Copied with the expressed permission of John Gilmore of Autism Action Network.

John says, “Please share this message with friends and family, and please post to social networks.”

Powerful new book: The HPV Vaccine on Trial
Learn what they don’t want you to know

The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed
By Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg and Eileen Iorio
Sky Horse Publishing
On Sale: October 2, 2018 / $19.99 ISBN: 9781510710801
Order Now!

The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed paints a devastating picture of corporate and government conflicts of interest, negligence, and malfeasance in approving and promoting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, touted to prevent cervical and other cancers. Coming out on the heels of recent New York Times revelations about astounding financial conflicts of interest at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, this groundbreaking book highlights the lack of transparency, manipulated science, and abuse of state power to market this medical juggernaut, already raking in over $2.5 billion per year. Authors Holland, Rosenberg, and Iorio conclude:

  • HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent cancer of any kind.
  • No participants in the original HPV clinical trials received true saline placebos.
  • Japan no longer recommends HPV vaccines following a mass of injuries
  • The clinical trials never investigated the vaccine’s possible effects on human fertility or potential to cause cancer.
  • The clinical trials show that the vaccines contribute to HPV lesions, and potentially cancer, in some women. Despite this, neither the manufacturers nor government agencies recommend prescreening to eliminate those with clear risk factors.
  • Although the vaccine is targeted for 11-12-year-old children, and legal for children as young as 9, only a small fraction of clinical trial subjects was in this age range.
  • Lawsuits against HPV vaccine manufacturers and government health agencies are progressing around the world, including the US, India, Japan, Colombia, Spain, and France.
  • The US government earns millions in royalties from Merck and GSK, the vaccine manufacturers, for its role in the invention of HPV vaccine technology
  • Although the US government proclaims HPV vaccines safe and effective, it has paid out millions of dollars to compensate families for death, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and other severe, debilitating conditions.

With praise from some of the world’s leading scientists on aluminum, autoimmunity, and vaccines, this book fills a critical void, giving people information they need to make commonsense decisions about this vaccine. Written in plain language, The HPV Vaccine on Trial ultimately is about how industry, government, and medical authorities may be putting children in harm’s way.

Author Mary Holland, M.A., J.D., is on the faculty at NYU School of Law, directs its Graduate Lawyering Program, and lives in New York City. Kim Mack Rosenberg, J.D., is a lawyer in private practice and lives in New York City. Eileen Iorio has practiced in the financial and health fields and lives outside New York City.

Monsanto herbicide will cause half of all children to have autism by 2025

Must read article there seems to be a herbicide readily available from many places as you can buy it from Amazon. Some of the effects can be devastating AUTISM for one. What are we thinking of allowing this product into the human food chain this should should be banned, it should be illegal to sell this. BAN IT NOW and get it out of production Monsanto again shame on you.

What caused your health issue?

I’ve updated my Eureka moment article again, after 36 months of research.

Everybody needs to take responsibility for their own health as we have been constantly misled by modern society and the modern systems. We have come to believe that doctors know everything, often they are are brilliant at what they do but all too often they opt for the prescription pad without considering a natural treatment. Also conventional medicine is based on the one size fits all approach. We are all individuals with different diets and lifestyles surely functional medicine must be the way forward.

We are all gradually damaging ourselves and conventional medicine is only geared at treating the symptoms and not resolving or preventing the cause . Over 18 months ago doctors were telling me to stop taking the massive doses of vitamin D3 I was taking, I was given several tests but they all came out as normal even the thyroid test despite the fact that I had lost all the hair on the edge of my eye brows a classic sign of a thyroid issue (Thyroid Healthy). I started on a natural thyroid supplement and my eye brows are back to normal. That seems to be the thing now you can carry on going to your doctor and getting a standard often inadequate test or you can do the research yourself. So far I have got far better results treating myself.

Here is why I believe you got your health problem and I got MS.

If you are overweight that is inflammation that is unhealthy you are damaging yourself, if you have any sort of health condition say Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Crones disease, Heart issues etc.. that is caused by inflammation. If you keep forgetting things and getting Dementia type symptoms that is inflammation. If you have any health condition diagnosed or not that is probably inflammation.

So what causes inflammation?

Inflammation is caused by the expression of your genes.  Your heath starts at inception where 20% of your health becomes programmed by your genes 80% by your environment. OK that figure has been quoted in a number of publications and I can’t see how that ratio was arrived at but go along with it as it’s probably close to the truth. Think of your genes being like keys on a giant keyboard and as you live your life your environment plays a tune with your genes switching them on and off, get your environment factors wrong and a bum note is played and the bad genes get the on key pressed. Play that wrong note too often and the keyboard gets out of tune your bad genes get switched maybe permanently on. This is obviously a very simplistic interpretation but hopefully it gives you the idea. This process can takes years which is why you or your doctors don’t recognise what the cause is, it may have taken anywhere for 1 – 50 years to form.

So what causes your Genes to be expressed?

Keep on playing the note wrong and the note can’t be pressed anymore it’s damaged it stays on and needs to be re tuned. You have ended up with a issue maybe a disease as your genes have been expressed. Your environment, living\working in a built up area*, your lifestyle, your eating choices, your geographic location, how much sun exposure you have (D3 levels), how much bad air you breath in, insufficient fresh natural air, textiles in your house, some modern materials**,  how much chemical exposure*** you are subject too and how much exercise you get plays the gene keyboard. Plus many many other things…. Basically you cause your own health problems by not providing the optimum environment for your body to thrive and play the correct tune.

*Traffic congestion increases vehicle emissions and degrades ambient air quality, and recent studies have shown excess morbidity and mortality for drivers, commuters and individuals living near major roadways

**Not all synthetic fabrics go straight into the “no” column, but some are more skin-friendly than others. Man-made fabrics—like polyester, nylon, and spandex—and wool may cause skin irritation, known as dermatitis Trusted Source. While most natural fabrics and nylon are breathable, silk and many synthetics are not, and wearing them can lead to athlete’s foot or other irritation or fungi due to trapped moisture. Check clothing tags for anything non-natural and bin it if it causes a rash.

**Asthma is associated with kids being exposed to cleaning products. Not all synthetic fabrics go straight into the “no” column, but some are more skin-friendly than others. Man-made fabrics—like polyester, nylon, and spandex—and wool may cause skin irritation, known as dermatitis Trusted Source. While most natural fabrics and nylon are breathable, silk and many synthetics are not, and wearing them can lead to athlete’s foot or other irritation or fungi due to trapped moisture. Check clothing tags for anything non-natural and nix it if it causes a rash.

It’s not really that simple!

Unfortunately our modern lifestyles and diet causes amongst other things some of the poor environmental factors. Your body cannot recognise foods that are processed they often have dangerous fats, they are missing vital minerals, or the minerals have been corrupted. Processing extracts minerals from foods or at least changes the constitution of minerals so your body does not recognise them, so your not getting the nutrients your body needs. This all leads to your body storing fat as it thinks your starving its why you can’t shed that weight. Genes will end up getting expressed and you will become ill. It all takes a long time building so you aren’t going to notice the inflammation response building up, that is why you still go on doing the things that are damaging you.

The processed food industry knows all about this yet they do nothing about it except package more processed foods under new ‘healthy’ labels, though it’s still the bad stuff but more attractively packaged you only have to read the labels properly to discover this for yourselves.

But that’s not all, the thing/s that actually controls the whole process is our microbiota. Increasingly, biologists have come to appreciate that microbes make up an important part of our health.

What set off your immune response?

When I say above that your body cannot recognise processed foods it’s really your microbes that you are confusing. If your Microbes don’t recognise something they may treat it as a threat and try to eliminate it, who knows how your genes will be responding to something that they don’t recognise, they may cause a rash to form, they may cause you to be sick to get rid of what they don’t like, they may cause a serious illness. The reaction will probably be different in each of us we are all unique. So you need to make the right environmental choices mainly but not only with your diet, basically if you want to stay healthy you need to look after your microbiota your own internal community. If you eat a lot of the bad foods you are feeding the bad microbes they will crowd out the good microbes and cause issues. Maybe they will cause a food sensitivity like Gluten or Wheat intolerance or you already have this sensitivity and don’t realise it, we are not all the same it may manifest itself differently in different people who knows. The first thing to think about is your gut health, if you are not having a bowel movement 2 or 3 times a day you have an issue. You should be having one bowel movement for every big meal you had the day before.

Take control you are the worlds greatest expert on you. Maybe the microbes will cause a child to get acne but maybe in the case of a very young child the lack of the correct microbes will develop into autism – as an aside here the latest research seems to prove this – over use of antibiotics in very young and infants has been proved to cause autism. If you were born by cesarean and not breast fed you will be at greater risk, as natural birth ensures the infant inherits the optimum microbes from their mother. If you take broad spectrum antibiotics you will be killing the good as well as the bad microbes you are probably doing just as much bad as good.

Too much sugar will grow your colony of bad microbes you will be feeding the inflammation that will cause elevated blood sugar levels – Diabetes. The added sugar that all processed foods seem to have is dangerous and highly addictive if you can’t get rid of body fat its because your building up the inflammation by eating the wrong diet. With processed food full of sugar each mouthful is feeding the inflammation response in your gut microbes. Sugar is just one factor there are quite a number of potential inflammatory things but we are all different and it’s not always going to be obvious, it could be Gluten or Wheat or Dairy it could be that you live close to roads and a breathing in exhaust fumes it could be that you are a heavy user of cleaning products and are breathing in the fumes, it could be the air freshener that your are breathing in. You could be killing your good bacteria by using anti bacterial products in your home killing microbes so causing your children not to build up any natural immunity to good bacteria so thus getting allergies or asthma it could literally be anything in this modern society. People in the past did not have the modern day diseases that we are all getting. We are causing our own health problems by living in this modern world and we have to start making changes ourselves or we will just be adding another person to the increasing health problem. Stop treating all germs and bacteria as a problem some are really good friends to you.

You need to discover what sets off any immune response in your body by gradually working through your diet and lifestyle and making changes.

What you can do…..

No supermarket meats unless they are organic grass fed, they are damaging as they fast grow animals, sometimes using antibiotics though banned in the UK they can still be in the food chain from muck spreading as fertiliser and the source of the processed foods may be from a country that has less stringent rules on production .

Supermarket meats are using animals that have been mass produced and feds grains to increase the size of the animal, note if the animal was getting fatter, eating that animal will make you fatter. Eat only grass fed meats preferably organic. Know where your meat comes from. A totally natural diet gives the animal the natural balance of omega 3 to 6 fatty acids, so you’ll be taking in the right balance from that part of your diet. These fats are a vital part of your diet.

No processed foods or foods where you can’t clearly understand the ingredients on the label.

No antibiotics unless in desperate need and if used followed up by a quality recommended course of pre and pro-biotics. I find a good source of supplements to be Amazon by reading the reviews, as long as there are sufficient reviews to give you an indication of whether it is a quality product, it’s the easiest way to get supplements and probably cheaper than health stores as you can also shop around on price.

No antibacterial cleaning products your killing the good guys. Watch out for cleaning products especially if you find you have a wheat or gluten intolerance as these guys are often in many non food products and listed under different names.

Eliminate stress as much as possible or at least manage it better

Make an effect to detox on a regular basis. If you have been getting vaccines then start taking some kind of heavy metal detox product. Same as if you have any amalgam fillings you could have mercury exposure.

Get as much sleep as you can.

Get your D3 blood level tested and start supplementing if your results show you under the current recommended optimal vitamin D level of  50-70 ng/ml. Though if you are treating cancer or heart disease, you should try to get the level as high as 70-100 ng/ml. If you live in the UK then supplement up to 30,000 IU’s a day for an adult. The D3 supplement will mention don’t go over a much lower amount don’t worry it wont kill you. If you go over 30,000 IU’s add K2 to your supplements to prevent hypercalcification. Read the book from Jeff T Bowles about his self experiment with D3 and follow his advice in the book. A D3 blood test is a critical test that your doctor is very probably ignoring. I myself have supplemented 100,000 IU’s a day for a month and then 200,000 IU’s a day for a few days and I’m still around but currently now on 80,000 a day. I would like to follow the Coimbra Protocol.  Dr Coimbra is a Neurologist from Brazil who is reversing MS symptoms he has had a 95% success rate on over 25,000 patients and totally curing Crones disease and other diseases with high dose D3, Unfortunately as I live in the UK we have no doctors following this protocol so I am doing high dose D3 without a doctors guidance.

AS an aside you could follow the Facebook group Personalized Vitamin D3 For MS With Michael Cawley As he personalises treatment with supplements very successfully.

No farmed fish products – wild caught Atlantic fish seem to be the least polluted but there is no guarantee so only eat once a week. Farmed fish are fed grains and not being a natural diet it affects the fish in a detrimental way, so it will have a detrimental affect on you.

Eliminate products with added sugar. The latest research on Alzheimer’s labels it as type 3 diabetes so keep on eating and drinking sugary products you know where you’ll be heading.

Always filter tap water researchers found adults with high levels of dichlorophenol – a chemical by-product of chlorine – in their urine, were up to 80 per cent more likely to have a food allergy see

There are a million and one things that can be added to this list but you must make and own food decisions for your own health journey.

There is a great book that looks at our bacteria from birth and what manipulates our development thereafter. It explains in great simplistic detail what’s happening in your microbiota.

Can inflammation be reversed once its manifested into a disease?

Yes definitely but it depends many things can be reversed you only need to look at YouTube you’ll find videos of individuals who have cured themselves from cancer by dietary changes. Dr Terry Wahls reversed many of her Secondary Progressive MS symptoms through the Paleo Diet. I’m reversing my MS symptoms through D3 supplementation and diet changes but then again it depends we are all different and you need to be very disciplined in your approach, but anything is possible and the research is out there if you go looking.

Remember there is no such thing as an incurable disease and I believe it is criminal to say a health condition is incurable as the placebo effect has a massive role to play in your health if you think your not going to get better every little worsening change to a symptom will focus your attention on getting worse not better STOP believing in getting worse focus totally on getting better.

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