Category Archives: ketogenic diet

Saturated Fats Are Good for You


Fats are an essential part of your diet. However, not all fats are created equal. So, how do you know you’re eating healthy, high-quality fat? In this interview, Dr. Cate Shanahan answers this important question.

Shanahan is a family physician and author of “Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food,” originally published in 2008. A revised and updated version was issued this year. Herself an avid athlete, having competed in the Olympic Trials, she has also done consulting work for the Los Angeles Lakers.

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David Perlmutter – Ketogenic Diet, Carbs & Gut Bacteria


Totally on board with this diet, we’ve been lied to for years. high fat low carb seems to be key to good health.


Ketosis & Parkinson’s Disease: Improving Symptoms with a Ketogenic Diet


Your brain needs fat for food, having just read The Alzehimer’s Antidote by Amy Berger and Fat for Fuel by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Theketogenic diet seems to be coming to the fore, it is known to improve and maybe reverse Alzheimer’s as well as many other health conditions Cancer for one.

I am very much aware that the Paleo diet has massive health benefits and can personally vouch for that from experience, but to extend the Paleo diet to one having a greater fat to carb ratio that’s radical but I’ve only just started to up the fat content of my diet so am not yet in a state of ketosis therefore I can’t say yet for myself whether I notice any difference, so Watch this space!


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